When we clear wallpaper out - its usually because they are discontinued or we can't get them anymore (sometimes the licence changes and we are no longer able to sell it). We often get people emailing us - asking what they can do with just 1 x roll of wallpaper.
Let me answer - if you love it - be creative. There are some truly wonderful photos we have received over the years from people who have used just 1 x roll and made something out of nothing. Often it looks better than if they had gone full wall.
We just love seeing what they have done and how they have problem solved to make the product work for them.
La Vie Ordinaire was a wallpaper a customer fell in love with but there was just 1 x roll left. She created a panel effect with framing to make it work. It came up so well it featured in several big DIY blogs and DIY websites. We were thrilled with the results. What a clever cookie.
Some of our customers use wallpaper on furniture. If you can't do the wall - do the bureau instead. This features Dandelion Clocks and looks amazing.
Another job - I couldn't help adding was this one featuring our Scrapwood wallpaper. This customer actually used the pattern waste and offcuts from the end of the roll to get a 'bonus 'free' wall.
Another photo in from a customer featuring our Tree Trunks wallpaper - they used the sale roll to fill in shelves - a great way to utilize a one off batch that we had on sale.
I'm not sure how this affected the mechanics or the thermostat of the refrigerator but this customer covered her fridge in shocking pink flamingos.
Or how about just the chimney breast of a fireplace?
And lastly how about this - two separate rolls. Top half is a green leafy wallpaper (now discontinued sadly) and the bottom half is a Scrapwood wallpaper hung horizontally.