Our personal experience of using Paste the Paper wallpaper.
We have found over the years that pure paper substrates (paste the paper), cannot be cut with a Stanley knife (from personal experience by us!). The paper fibres are too weak to cut this way and must be cut using scissors. Stanley knife use is ok when the paper is non-woven (paste the wall) as the substrate has not softened and this allows decent cutting to take place with a scalpel or knife.
Also to take into consideration is the weight (grammage) of the paper. The finer it is, the less time it will require to be soaked. Heavy-weight papers (such as Italian vinyl) are ok with 8 minutes but finer papers such as approx. 130 grams will best be soaking approximately just 5 minutes, otherwise its structural integrity will be affected (ie it may tear more easily!).
For the beginner paste the paper may be harder to hang - as the soaking times must be followed exactly and not over soaked. Using a pre-mixed or tub paste may also help as the glue is more consistent than a self mixed powder paste.